Medical Considerations

2 min. readlast update: 06.05.2024

Navigating the intersection of health, medication, and nutrition can sometimes be complex. Here’s a comprehensive guide to address your medical queries and concerns about Sway Hydration:

What should I expect after drinking Sway Hydration?

Upon consuming 16-24 ounces of Sway Hydration, expect a range of benefits within 20-30 minutes. Experience improved mental clarity and focus, reduced tension in your neck, shoulders, and lower back, increased energy and alertness, and decreased swelling in your joints, hands, and feet. Following the recommended meal plan can lead to detoxification within about 2 days, resulting in sustained energy throughout the day, restful sleep, improved digestive health, and healthier-looking skin.

Can I still take my medicine while drinking the juice?

Yes. The only medication that cannot be mixed with Sway Hydration is prescribed blood thinners. The warning label on prescribed blood thinners and/or the doctor will tell you that kale/spinach, which is high in vitamin K, cannot be consumed while on the medication. However, Sway Hydration can be made for anyone on prescribed blood thinners. If you need it modified, be sure to add those instructions to your order in the “order notes” field.

If I am battling inflammation or pain, how long does it take for Sway Hydration to help reduce those issues?

You will notice any pain and/or inflammation to subside within 1 to 4 days depending on the severity. Please continue to take any pain and/or anti-inflammatory medications as the vitamins and minerals in Sway Hydration work synergistically in the body.

Should I be concerned with the sugar and carb content in the juice?

Rest assured, the sugar in Sway Hydration is natural fructose, the simplest form of sugar found in nature. Unlike regular sugar commonly found in other bottled drinks, your body processes fructose more efficiently. Additionally, the carbs in our juice are simple carbs derived from fruits and vegetables, which are easily metabolized by the body.


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