Sway Hydration - Affiliate program

1 min. readlast update: 08.18.2024

Sway Hydration Affiliate Program


You can be part of our ambassador team by signing up to the Sway Hydration page.

Once signed up, go to the menu and click affiliates. You will see your affiliate link. (or Click the link below)

For more information let me explain further:

Affiliate levels
Your affiliates are classified by level, where level one is your direct affiliates, level two is an affiliate from your direct affiliate, then level three is a affiliate from that affiliate, and so on!

Level One (Direct) Affiliates: Earn a robust 20% commission on each purchase made by direct affiliates.
Level Two Affiliates: When your direct affiliates bring new customers, you earn a 10% commission on their purchases.
Level Three Affiliates: earn 5% commission on affiliates from your level two affiliates.
Level Four Affiliates: earn 2% commission on affiliates from your level three affiliates.
Level Five Affiliates: earn 1% commission on affiliates from your level four affiliates.


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